
Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Mutation- Chapter 1

Hey everyone. I know that I haven't posted anything or written anything in a while but I felt like creating something new so I whipped out this story. Yes, it's a little bit comfusing but all will be explained later. Just trust me. Leave a comment if ya like, don't hate, and enjoy.

Chapter 1
To them, it seems like just another quiet day in the forest. A small metal cube on wheels rolls along, drawn by two horses. Alongside it are five people. Four of them are wearing heavy chain mail, one a simple shirt and pants. The rolling jail cell- and it is a jail cell seems free of any disturbances. There's a small, barred window near the top of it, and a double-locked door in the back. If you look closely, you might be able to see the worn-out, broken inhabitant, gazing wistfully into the sky.
All six of the people in this strange little entourage seem ready to fall over and into a deep sleep. They've been traveling for almost ten days now, and all feel that this escort to a prisoner is unnecessary. The guards wearing the armor don't even know who is in the boxy little cage. All that they know is that there is a large stack of money waiting for them at their destination, just a couple day's more walk.
The last person in the escort knows better. He knows of the true purpose of this mission and os ever watchful. While on first glance the armored guards, who, incidentally, are carrying hefty spears, might seem much more intimidating, everyone knows that the real power lies with this unassuming little man. For ten days now, he's been watching everything around him to guard the prisoner. He and be alone knows that to keep the prisoner from falling into someone else's hands, he is the only important one there. The guards are just intimidating looking, to keep others from intruding. 
It's nearing sunset on the tenth day. The four armored guards have by now concluded that this is a futile waste of their time and have let their guard down. They just want to finish their cryptic little assignment and ride back home on horseback to their families. They believe that no one is watching and that they will be safe for the rest of their journey. And of course, they're wrong.
You see, they aren't the only ones in this seemingly abandoned woods. Of course, that's where I come in. My teammates and I know that it's important that we free this prisoner, as he could be vital to the outcome lf these next few months. Why? I'll explain later, but just know that a lot is riding on this, and I don't want to screw it up. 
We know that they will pass by us in a matter of minutes, and we're ready. I am positioned relatively low in the branches of the trees above. The most important thing is that I have a clear line of sight to the one guard that matters. One of my closest friends and allies, named Pierre, is hiding behind a large, fallen tree. There is a reason for this as well. The last person in our tiny group is a girl, high amongst the treetops. She's a good twenty five feet above where I am hiding, ready to drop down once we attack. Just as we finish getting ready, we hear the clop of the horse's hooves on the ground and are ready to strike. I place a small stone on my right hand, and as soon as the plainly dressed guard walks into my vision, I fire.
You might be asking how. I never said I had any sort of gun, bow, or slingshot. And I do not. The way that I propelled that stone from my hand to my target was with my mind. You see, I have possess the ability to perform a type of telekinesis. That means that I can move objects using nothing but my mind. I can only move objects toward or away from me at high speeds, and within a certain range. It's an astonishing ability, but nothing compared to the strange powers that some possess. 
Have you ever had a rock thrown at you? It hurts. If you're reading this today, you probably haven't been shot either. The way that I decided to use my power today was more like shooting someone than throwing a rock at them. I used a small projectile that moved at extremely high speeds. This was part of our strategy, to disable the truly dangerous person before he could harm anyone.
The stone sped from my hand and buried itself right above the hip bone of my target, on his back. He lurched forward and yelped in surprise and pain. He then seemed to concentrate on something and, suddenly, the earth began to rise from the ground. It slowly moved towards him while he winced and gasped in pain. The guards formed a protective circle around him and the jail cell. They held their spears up in a defensive position, ready to face any threat that the surrounding area might present. As it turns out, flying rocks weren't the only thing.
The moment Pierre saw the man lurch forward, he swung himself over the log he was sitting on and charged at the guards. They turned to face him and steadied their spears to impale him. He came running at them, seeming like he was going to impale himself, but at the last second, jumped into the air and right at their spears. To the average person, it may have looked like Pierre was commiting suicide, but that is Pierre's power. When he's jumping or falling through the air, he's invincible. So even though the guards may have thought that they had killed their attacker, he smashed straight through their spears and into him.
While he was doing this, I was trying to put stone after stone into the other man's body. The earth kept forming to make a shield around him, but every single time I nailed him, he moved a bit slower. He was getting hurt badly, but he was going to keep on using his ability to lock down his area. This wasn't going to work. The earthen dome almost enclosed the box, the man creating it, the others guards, and Pierre. I had to stop this now. Just before the earth completely surrounded them, I shot one stone up into the sky.
The purpose of this wasn't to hit anybody. Rather, it functioned as a signal. It crashed up through the trees and shot beyond the roof of the forest. Then, like magic, a shadow seemed to fall to the ground. Fast. From at least thirty-five feet up. Headfirst. This may have looked like another suicide attempt, but it wasn't. The figure was heading straight for the dome, which was sealing itself in place. Then, as the figure hit, the dome exploded.
The shadow falling from the sky was our third team member, Tyla. There's a reason other than the element of surprise that she fell from the sky- her power. She has one of the trickiest powers to manipulate. When she falls, she can transfer the kinetic energy from when she hits the ground into an explosion. So basically when she hits the ground, she can choose to make a large explosion. 
The dome bursts apart, and rocks flew everywhere. I ducked to the other side of the branch I was sitting on, but still got hit with some dirt and rocks. As the dust cleared, ther was only one person standing. Pierre. All of the otheres were on the floor. I dropped from my branch and jogged over to where Pierre and Tyla were standing, just as Tyla pulled out a rope from the backpack she was carrying. She went over to the plainly dressed man and ties his hands behind his back. In a couple of minutes, we had bound all the guards to the wheels of the metal box. The horses snorted impatiently. 
They were ready to get a move on. I walked over to the jail cell and shattered open the lock with a couple of stones. The prisoner, agitated and confused by the action going on around him kicks open the door and starts running into the forest. Pierre stops him with one hand, and the look of shock on the prisoner's face is almost laughable. "Pierre?" He looks in my direction. "John?" His expression contorts into an ugly snarl. "I had hoped never to see you again."

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