
Friday, July 18, 2014

It's been a while.


Today I was sitting in my house thinking of something to do and I realized that this still existed. So I logged on a decided to remake it. I reverted all of my old posts to drafts. I'm going to change a lot of things up. The real question is, am I going to post? That's complicated.

You see, a lot of things have changed since the last time I checked this place out. I finished the Four Weapons of Power book. Its official title is Discovery. It is 117 pages long and I'm proud to say that it's finished. Am I happy with it? That's a tricky question. It was such an interesting thing to me a couple years ago that I can't help getting excited, but it's kind of been molding away in my google drive since then. It was my greatest project and I loved writing it. Am I going to edit and finish it? No. I'm happy just to leave it where it is. Now, whenever I write, I keep coming back to it. I've tried to rewrite it and tried several spin-offs but none are interesting enough for me to really treasure like the original. I put a ton of work into it.

I'll be posting all of it in six seperate parts over the next couple days. Enjoy it. Back to my original question. Am I going to post? Ideally, yes. I would love to write ten pages of something a day. My schedule is so busy that I don't know if any writing is going to happen. Like usual, I'll forget about this tiny corner of my life and never come back. That might not happen. We'll see. My dream was once to be an author. That's not it anymore, so I don't know if I even have the inspiration to scribble down my thoughts anymore.

That explains where I've been and what I've been doing.

I hope to see you soon.


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